Home Inspections for Seller’s Before Listing

One of the most common ways to sink a home sale or lower the offer price is a surprise finding in a home inspection, so why not just do a home inspection before you list! A home inspection can cost as much as $500, but it’s a great way to take control as the seller.

Having a home inspection prior to listing can identify any major problems that could later scare off Buyers. “If you have the items repaired or replaced ahead of time and it doesn’t come up with the buyer, it’s a non-issue,” says Edwards, noting that it also helps sellers who can’t or won’t fix items to adjust their asking price accordingly. She adds that it’s often cheaper for sellers to make the repairs or replacements on their own ahead of listing than at the negotiation table. At closing, buyer may want to have their own licensed contractor do the necessary work which may be more costly to the seller.”

Having inspections upfront may not be beneficial for all Sellers, for instance if your home is newer or you want to sell at a price below current market value. However, if you are interested in keeping up with the latest real estate trends call me to discuss all your options.




Read the Original Article Here: Home Inspections for Sellers: Why It Can Be Worth It

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